Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bran boys

All bran boys well really bran boy 9 & 10 rock because they are made by me the orginal bran boy and if u copy my name i will su u for stealing and copyrighting my name!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fire ninjas

You have to be a member to be a fire ninja because club penguin aka disney wants to make a fortune even though they are rich because they spent 4 billion $ on the marvel company which is spirder man the hulk and ect. The owner of disney is very rich if u didnt know. Walt Disney was made by Walt Disney the reason he named it after himself because people would remember him and let them know that he was really successful. And so that he owned it his family is now very very rich. so they make people on club penguin pay for membership to become fire ninjas member only parties and ect.

Becoming a ninja

When u get ur black belt you can always become a ninja without facing anyone because i did it that way with bran boy 10 and bran boy 9 it took my 3 times to beat sensei without facing other penguins and sensei will usally give you a good battle not all the time but most......

Monday, November 23, 2009

On clubpenguin play cart surfer if you know how to do back flips wou will get 100 points which= 1o coins each time if u do it back to back times u will get 50 points which= 5 coins . You need to press the down button and then space.

Bran boys ages

Bran boy 9 is 979 days old today and he has been a member for way over 2 years because i got membership for him really early.

And bran boy 10 is 903 days old and i just got him membership for the first time so i really never payed that much attention to him mainly bran boy 9 but they are both ninjas on club penguin
I go n Club penguin so that might be y u see the bran boy names because those penguins are mine on cp!!!...

Hi ppl!

Hi its me Bran Boy 9 and 10. This is my blog and i would like to welcome ppl to here and i hope u ppl like it. If you see Bran boy 9 or bran boy 10 that is me.